The Entrepreneur Africa

Time Management Tips For Entrepreneurs (Part 2)



Take Advantage of Just-in-Time Learning

Those who still use a book dictionary will agree with me that sometimes when they are searching for the meaning to a particular word, they are tempted to look up the meaning to other words. What happens here is, if you are on a tight schedule or you have a deadline to meet, you are only wasting your limited time. This happens to a lot of us when we use the internet, we leave what we are searching for and look at other things probably because of the “fear of missing out”. Learn how go through contents that relate to the task at hand, if it doesn’t relate, then it doesn’t deserve your attention at that particular time.

Hire a Virtual Assistant

You can get a freelancer to help with some responsibilities if you feel it is unnecessary to get a permanent staff. Just ensure to get someone that is willing to work and can do so independently.

Take out time out of your schedule for reflecting

According to Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, he leaves his Mondays and Thursdays completely unstructured so that he always had time to devote to thinking deeply about the vision of the company. Try not to overwork yourself. Take out time to reflect and think of proactive ways to build your company. Being too busy can take a toll on your organizational abilities and can reduce your cognitive abilities.

See Also:  How To Set Goals More Effectively

Start Your Day Earlier Than Everyone Else

Rise up in the morning at least two hours before anyone else does, this helps you get started on some tasks. It helps you work in peace and quiet before the noise that comes with the usual hustling and bustling of a new day.

Have a Productivity Routine You Follow Religiously

According to Josh Coffy of Flight Media, religiously following a productive routine can help you manage your time effectively. “Just like you build a strategy for everything else in your business, you absolutely must have a strategy for productivity”. Here is his daily routine, maybe you should create yours.

  • Workout at 4:30 am


  • Create list of top 5 to-dos for the day at 7:00am


  • Work uninterrupted for 50 minutes, then break for 10 minutes – several times per day


  • Don’t leave the email tab open





The Entrepreneur Africa

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