The Entrepreneur Africa

July 2020 T.E.A Mag drops

We’re totally excited as we unveil the July 2020 Issue of The Entrepreneur Africa Magazine.

This Issue, titled ‘Bouncing Back Edition’ is covered by the Real Estate magnet, @olawaleayilara (CEO of @landweyinvestment). In this Issue, Mr. Olawale shares it all about his adventures and misadventures as a born entrepreneur, who has never taken a paid employment all his life.

This edition also features Ghana’s very own hair guru @serwahakoto_ who tells us how she’s making the most of the Ghana hair fashion industry.

Other features feature Olamide Ayeni-Babajide who shares her efforts at making the environment better through Pearl recycling, and Hakeem Disu who takes us on a trip down the future of money.

This magazine is filled with elegance and richness in contents and designs, and is definitely a must-read for every entrepreneur and ambitious person.

Want to know what the best part is? You can get a digital copy for FREE right now! Quickly click here to download your copy for FREE.
Hard copies in supermarkets and hotels.

For all comments/enquires: Tel: +2348039306054


Hurry now! You don’t want to miss this!


The Entrepreneur Africa

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