The Entrepreneur Africa

How to Effectively Market Online to Millennials



We have heard so many things being said about the millennials and one of them is that they are assertive people. You might then wonder how to get across your product, to this group of people. Let’s look at some of the ways to get millennials to commit to your brand online:

Build Trust

The first thing you might want to consider doing is building trust. You have to make your target audience believe in your brand and trust me; this is not as easy as it sounds. This is because most reviews people get to see online are sometimes paid for i.e. a company can pay an individual to write positive reviews for a product or negative reviews for that of its competitors. This makes it hard for most people to trust a product just it has a 5-star review. This applies especially the millennials. They aren’t falling for such tricks anymore. They are carrying out their own research on products and Google has made it easier as you can find answers to whatever you seek there. So what can you do to get them trust in your brand and what it has to offer? First of all, you need to have an in-depth knowledge of whatever product you are marketing in order to be able to answer any questions relating to it or solve any problem arising from it. You have to become the “go-to source” of knowledge in whatever product you are promoting.



Secondly, you have to be able to give out free information. Saying things like, “Buy my e-book, it explains all the steps” will only drive prospective customers away. Nobody has the time to buy anything when they are not fully convinced of what you are selling. You have to be ready to be able to give out free and consistent information to win their hearts and get them to patronise you.

Thirdly, go to forums like a Facebook page, LinkedIn, Quora and the rest, where potential customers are probably discussing things that pertain to what you produce. Help them solve their problems, provide answers to questions and watch them follow you back to your website.

Create Contents

Searching out favourite online hangout spots and solving problems for potential problems is cool, but what if the customer decides to use Google to get the solution to a problem? This means you also have to regularly update your website, blogs or whatever means you have chosen to communicate with your customers and the potential ones. Make your page the first one they see in the search so it can become easy to check out your brand.

Think Like a Millenial

Millennial do not want you to tell them what is good for them. They want to hear why it is good for them. Give them something valuable and worth the time they spend going through your page. Also, they don’t want to dwell on the same trend for a long time. This is why you should get creative. Think up ideas to keep them interested in your brand and you will be rewarded with loyal customers.

See Also:  Artificial Intelligence in modern businesses and marketing

The Entrepreneur Africa

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